The President Speech

About us

The President Speech

In 2005 , 1 established the Egyptian Academy for Computers , Information , and management technology – Tanta , Gharbia governate . Decision No. 1315/2005 , issued by the Minister of High Education and Scientific Research . Tanta is the capital of Gharbia Governate . So It's the heart of the Delta , with 6 million populations and it fares from Cairo city about 90 km.

Since , I got my full professor degree in 1992 I have the desire to promote the high education to keep pace with the rapid development in the age of information technology . So I prepared the preliminary studies as well as I make many researches about the shortcomings and reviewed the latest research in economics and management technology and traveled to many universities around the world in England , France and America .

The result of all the above that the Academy was established on the basis updated concepts and insights :

  • The theoretical study based on the latest topics in the fields of economics , management , accounting and information systems with emphasis on teaching English.
  • The applied study is parallel with the theoretical study . Through the applied study , the student is interested in preparing researches , studies and graduation projects .
  • The academy helps the students in summer training for three months in different banks , insurance companies and industrial commercial agricultural companies .
  • The interest in encouraging students self independence and creativity through sports and cultural activities
  • There are a great relationship between the educational subjects and the requirements and the needs of the market .
  • There are additional certificates such as : ICDL , Microsoft ( MOS ) , HR , and English skills .
  • The interest in enhancing the morals and behaviors values via the academy system
  • There are also different protocols in many scientific and research fields with many universities to exchange the experiences and information
  • All of these results happened because the academy includes a unique group of professors , assistant lecturers and demonstrators who share me in the same concepts and insights . We celebrated this year 2012 with the third graduates who engaged in work market effectively

Connect with us

Tanta - the highway - next to the radio station in the middle of the old delta

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